
Nixes Mate Review is OPEN for submissions. Our reading period for our next issue, Summer/Fall 2024 runs from April 15, 2024 to September 15, 2024. Issue 32/33 is due out October, 2024.

We like short stories and micro stories. We like narrative and minimalism and words that dance across the page. We like dialogue that is direct and sounds like a real person talking. We believe poetry can exist in prose.

If a photograph is worth only a thousand words, then a great line or three of a poem is the silver halide of our dreams. Poetry should grab us and make us want to feel ready to fix the world, or destroy it if need be, to defy gravity and end time.

For us, nonfiction is a place where memoir and journalism and criticism can meet and have a coffee and discuss the beauty of a maparium without falling for ideology.

It should go without saying that what you read here is generally what we’re looking for. We are literate adults, submit accordingly.

Please submit no more than five poems, or one short story (no more than 2000 words), or two short-short stories (less than 500 words is ideal), or one creative non-fiction piece (no more than 3000 words). We insist that you send multiple pieces in a single file, and, most important, we insist that you start a new poem, or piece on a new page. Please add a 50-word or less bio. We allow simultaneous submissions so long as you notify us if your work has been accepted elsewhere.

If you have not heard from us within a reasonable amount of time (2-3 months), a gentle query as to the status of your submission should suffice to get our attention.

At this time we can not pay anything other than our undying gratitude and appreciation. We only ask for first North American serial rights only. Copyright reverts to the author upon publication. Acceptance will be for our biannual print edition. Please note, due to the cost of postage, writers from outside the United States will only receive a PDF of the issue they appear in. Should you want a physical copy, contact us and we should be able to figure something out.

We are a small, but highly regarded press. We do our best to maintain the webstie, respond to submissions and get our issues out in as timely a fashion as we can. Sometimes, we slip. Actually, we slip quite often. Thank you for your continued support.

Should we reject your work, please wait until we are reading for the next issue to submit again. Be mindful that we receive hundreds of submissions for each issue and if you must continue to submit immediately following a rejection then your chances diminish.

If we publish you in the current issue, thank you. You know we love your work, but please wait for two issues to pass before submitting again. We’ve published many people more than once, but we also love to publish writers who are new to us.

Thank you for your continued support. We hope to read you soon. Stay focused. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Read. Write.

Nixes Mate does NOT accept unsolicited manuscripts for its book series. Thank you.


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